Hello friends! As promised, here is part two of three of our 2017 goals. Last week I blogged about our process for how we go about setting yearly goals for our family. Today, I’m sharing how Geoff and I go about actually bringing those goals to life and making progress on achieving them.
Quite a few years ago I was reading an article in a parenting magazine written by a mom who described how she and her husband went about keeping their household organized and purposeful by doing one simple thing: a weekly family meeting. At the time, our life felt kind of out of control. We were paying late fees from not paying bills on time, overspending on eating out because we would wait until it was dinnertime to decide what we would eat each evening, going months without a date night out together, frustrated with each other for not communicating commitments happening outside of our house week to week and we would set goals at the beginning of the year and then haphazardly check in with them whenever we thought of it. Sometimes months would go by without revisiting those goals and making a plan for them to happen. We needed a change and the idea of a weekly meeting together seemed like something worth trying. And so, The Schultzes Sunday Night Meeting was born. Recently, we renamed it to be our Sunday Night Reset.
For me, if I can begin Monday with a tidy (or at least semi-tidy) home, groceries in my refrigerator, a plan for meals and on the same page with Geoff as far as our schedule goes, I feel like so much more of a normal, calm, capable and joyful person through the week. Our reset meetings have been SO helpful in the management of our home and business and allow us to live intentionally.
Geoff and I have a lot of things we want to do in our marriage and in our family. Especially since having kids, time has a way of flying by faster than we ever thought (it’s still hard to believe we will have a seven year old this summer!). We’ve found that without a little organization and intentional planning, the things we want to do together and the memories we want to make…they just don’t happen either at all or as often as we’d like. Trips and dates to take, traditions to make and carry on year to year, activities to do with the kids…all really fun stuff! Our Sunday night reset is a big reason that we are able to intentionally press on toward the life we desire to live with each other and for our children.
Let’s get to it!
The first Sunday of a new month, we follow an agenda that includes:
Week to week includes the following agenda items:
If you are wanting to implement a Sunday Night Reset into your household/life, here are a few tips of things you can do to set yourself up for success:
I hope this was helpful! If you have any questions about our Sunday Night Resets, please don’t hesitate to ask! Also, if you would like a free copy of the worksheets we created (changed to be more generic), you can sign up to receive them below!
To get your copy of the Sunday Night Reset & to know more about what the Cheyenne Schultz Photography team is up too, join our newsletter below.
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Cheyenne Schultz
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fun in your inbox
I’d love a copy of the Sunday Night Reset documents. My husband & I are really struggling financially. It’s also really having a negative impact on our marriage.
Your recent instagram post about how much your marriage has healed & grown really resonated with me. I’m honestly very discouraged in or marriage right now. It seems like there’s no way to fix us and get things on track. I know that God is the only one who can help us & heal our marriage.
I’d be so grateful to receive a copy of your Sunday Night Reset documents. I’d like to institute that in our schedule along with some other thanks.
Again, thank you for your transparency. It’s so rare and it really spoke to me.
Sara Farmer
So sorry to hear y’all are having a hard time right now, Sara. I can remember the feeling of hopelessness and how empty that was. You hang in there…keep fighting. It IS worth it. A good marriage book that I really liked then and now is called What’s It Like to be Married to Me? I think by Linda Dillow.
And yes, I’d love for you to get a copy of the Reset documents – at the bottom of this blog post, you just put in your contact information/fill out the form and you should receive it in your email. 🙂
Hi Cheyenne,
I would love to get a copy of your Sunday Night Resets.
Here is the direct link to get it, Karen – https://cheyenneschultzphotography.com/sunday-night-reset/
This resource is amazing! I’d love to get a copy of it for Megan and I to use for our weekly planning!
Sure, Steven. Here is the direct link to access it – https://cheyenneschultzphotography.com/sunday-night-reset/