He’s here. Our sweet baby Grey Adam Schultz was born on Sunday – January 3rd at 7:25pm. He was 8 lbs., 12 oz. and was 22 inches long. And goodness, do we love him. It’s crazy to love someone so immediately and so deeply even after having just met them.
So far, things seem to be going pretty well around here. He fits right in with our loud and busy household. The kids adore him…Crew especially is obsessed with “her baby” and is always asking to hold him. My recovery has been pretty easy and nursing is going well. Of course, we are both consistently covered in spit-up, my out-of-whack hormones have left me in a puddle of tears many a time and the sleep deprivation struggle is real…he eats every 2 hours around the clock at this point…but all of those things were to be expected.
I hope to have his birth story up next week, as well as share some pictures of his first days with us and his nursery. For now, I want to jot down a few things I don’t want to forget about these early days with our Grey.
+ When the kids came to meet him at the hospital, they didn’t yet know if they had a little brother or sister. They came around the curtain into my room and Crew said, “it’s a girl!!!!”. It was a really cute and funny moment. Thankfully, she didn’t seem disappointed when we told her that it was actually a boy. She asked what his name was and quickly began doting on him.
+ One of my favorite things is when he passes out as I am feeding him and milk dribbles out the side of his mouth and over his chin. 🙂
+ He shakes his mouth in this quick little movement side to side when he is really hungry. It’s really cute.
+ I just love pressing my cheek to his…softest and warmest skin ever.
+ He settles almost immediately after I pick him up and tell him “it’s mama” if he has been crying. I love this.
I’ll leave you with this….our family of five.  All of us looking a little disheveled, but never so full of joy.
Cheyenne Schultz
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Gosh, I love this! It made me melt this afternoon thinking about my little guy. He also shakes his head when he’s hungry like he can’t get the milk fast enough. I also love when he places his little hand on my chest when feeding. It’s the sweetest!
So sweet! These first moments have been so sweet, so I know exactly how you’re feeling. So happy for your family of 5! Also…the sleep deprivation struggle IS REAL.