Now that I’m officially out of the first trimester fog of “morning” sickness (by the way, who the heck thought to name it that? If ONLY it was limited to the morning!), I’m feeling like a million bucks. I always take it for granted how wonderful health and “feeling normal” really is. This Friday I’ll be 18 weeks pregnant…and compared to Crew’s pregnancy, I look like I’m about 30 weeks pregnant! While our anatomy scan/ultrasound is in about 2.5 weeks, we’ve for sure decided we are going to wait to find out the gender until birth day. Both Geoff and I thought it was a girl in the first few weeks, but now both think it’s a baby boy. Boone would like it to be a boy and for us to name it Kristoff. Crew wants a baby sister and wants to name it Ariel. Both are strong name options, don’t you think? 🙂
August is going to be a full and a great month.
1. Review 2015 Goals.
2. Read #GirlBoss.
3. Finalize Branding. I haven’t made mention of this in any way, shape or form yet, but it’s true. We are re-branding, yet again. I know that may seem quite ridiculous due to the fact that we JUST did this, but we’ve got a pretty good reason for it. Big business changes are coming…stay tuned.
4. Website. This time around we are going with an option that we can make updates to ourselves. Any recommendations out there? So far, I’ve looked into Squarespace and Flothemes.
1. House Updates. After 2.5 years of living in a house with flat paint, we’ve got major wall dirt problems thanks to four little grubby hands. We just finished painting the dining room and are going to get after the hallway and bathroom this month. We also want to build out a closet for Boone’s room and replace all of the broken hardware in our kitchen.
2. Boone Turns Five! I can’t believe my little sheep is turning five at the end of the month. We can’t wait to celebrate him. Geoff and I are planning to take him to Carowinds…just the three of us.
3. Friends Trip. After the time we had last year, we couldn’t pass up the chance to make some more memories with our sweet friends.
4. Ultrasound Date Night. It’s been a tradition of ours to head to the mall to pick out an outfit for our new baby after we find out the gender via ultrasound. Since we won’t be finding out this time around, we’ll just have to pick out something gender neutral.
Here’s to a great month!
Cheyenne Schultz
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fun in your inbox
So happy for y’all! Can’t wait to see what the Schultz Baby #3 is going to be! 🙂
Oh how I love your goal posts : ) Can’t wait to get a peak of the new branding : ) And I love how easy squarespace is to use!
I have a very simple squarespace website and I really do love it. I think it’s fairly user friendly once you get it set up and the layouts are simple, clean and adaptable for what you need. So far my experience with it has been great!
Ah! Sorry for the delay in response – all of my comments were being held hostage! Thanks so much for this feedback – I so appreciate it. 🙂