Yes, we are already eight days into April. And yet, that won’t stop me from blogging my April goals. If you’ve followed this blog for any length of time, you know I am not the timeliest of people when it comes to blogging goals. 🙂
1. The Art of Styling. Ah! I’m so pumped! This month I am taking an online course through The Define School. My class is “The Art of Styling” and is taught by a local photographer whom I really admire – Anna Naphtali. I was really just wanting to learn something different, and at the same time, step up my game as a photographer. We complete our first assignment this week!
2. Savannah Trip. Not only are we photographing what is sure to be a beautiful wedding in Savannah, but we are taking some time to do some photography work as well. On the agenda is our continued business planning/goal setting using Lara Casey’s Powersheets, as well as doing a little shooting…just for fun.
3. Spring/Summer Mentor Sessions. I’ll be announcing availability here on the blog very soon, so if you are interested, either sit tight or send an email my way through the connect form. 🙂
1. Spring bucket list. I think I had this on March’s list of goals, but I’m unashamedly putting it back on here for April. We’ve been doing some fun things as a family over the past few weeks, but we have a whole list of things we want to do before the Spring season is over. We just need to make a schedule!
2. Easter at Elevation. It’ll be here so soon and I can’t wait to photograph it. Consider this your official invitation to check out one of our Easter experiences – we’ve got nine different locations across Charlotte with many opportunities across Friday, Saturday and Sunday of April 19th, 20th and 21st. Details can be found here.
3. Dye Easter eggs. Yes, we do the whole shebang…the eggs, the candy, the bunny.
4. Financial Coaching. At the beginning of this year, we signed up to get some financial coaching with the great Will Ray. Such a great decision. This month we will have our final meeting with Will. I can’t recommend him enough.
5. Savannah Trip. This one goes under the life section as well, as we’ve got some plans for some downtime during our trip. We’ll probably make our rounds to our usual Savannah favorite hotspots…Vinnie’s and Gallery Espresso are two of them. 🙂
One of my goals from last month was to take some pictures of Crew with “the real camera” (i.e. not my phone). Here are just a few of my sweet little Hachi.
(Pay no attention to the too-big socks she is wearing in that last shot. They were Boone’s and she insisted we put them on her.)
Cheyenne Schultz
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fun in your inbox
Thanks for the shoutout Cheyenne! Love you guys and excited to get together!