Was pretty dern successful in accomplishing my goals for June if I do say so. Here’s how things stacked up:
1. Stick to my diet. Yes, but then went off the deep end over the long weekend. Such a struggle.
2. Date Night. Done. We went to see The Great Gatsby. I surprised myself and actually really liked it.
3. Crew’s Baby Book. Yup. Worked on it some. Need to do some more.
4. Swim! Done. And it was fun.
1. USB. Yes! After researching and comparing product and price of four different companies, I finally landed on and ordered from
flashbay. Can’t wait to launch our new site/brand and debut these cute things. I love them. See below. π
2. Laptop. The bank account definitely took a hit on this one. Got a cute
ECOALF cover to go with it in-store.
3. Facebook Q&A. This is the only goal I didn’t accomplish this month. Will have to put it back on the list for July.
4. Mentoring. Done. Really loving doing these. I still have some open slots in between now and the end of summer. To sign up, go
And for July….here’s the plan (ignoring the fact that we are already eight days in):
1. Bible Verse and Journal. While it can be difficult to do much first thing in the morning while I’ve got an infant and a toddler, I would really like to start each day off with a verse and spend even just a couple of minutes journaling/praying. I can do this. Easy. Just need to do it.
2. Clean downstairs bedroom. It has turned into “that room”. You know….the room that you just start throwing everything into and before you know it, you can hardly walk in the door because there is so much stuff everywhere.
3. Crew and Boone’s Baby Books. Putting this back on here, as I want to work on both of them more this month until I am caught up.
4. Pictures on the wall. We’ve lived in our house for nearly seven months and I have yet to put pictures up. To me, it feels like such a commitment. One that I want to make sure is done right.
2. Email inbox to zero. Needs to happen. Enough said.
3. Equipment. Still selling a 5D
Mark II and 50 1.2L lens – these are going up on Craiglist. ASAP.
4. Website. Work with our web designer (
Love Inspired) to finish up this project. We are really loving the direction it is taking.
Other things that are happening this month:
+ Shooting our first wedding since going on maternity leave last November. Very excited.
+ Two mentor sessions. Just had one last week and have another coming up this weekend.
+ Photograph various events for our church – Love Week, Staff Advance and the Night of Worship.
I’ll leave you with this….our new USBs and preview of the direction our brand is going. Excited.
those USBs are SO cute. So, so cute.
Always loved the look of the wooden flash drives. Look great! Of course I can’t wait to see how you PACKAGE the flash drives. I know it will be brilliant : )
i have such a friend crush on you guys. let’s be real life bffs someday, k? π
Um…those flashdrives are AMAZING! Can’t wait to see the new site when it’s ready!
Congrats on the new branding progress (USBs are rad!) and shooting your first wedding since mat leave. Exciting all around!
your USBs are rockin awesome!! loved, loved my mentor session with you last week Cheyenne..so much fun. π