+ Image above taken by our dear friend and photographer – Candice – of The Beautiful Mess.
It has been a little over one week since Geoff and I met our sweet baby girl. Crew Nancy Schultz was born on Valentine’s Day at 10:47pm weighing in at 9 pounds, 14 ounces. Yes, I had an almost ten pound baby. It wasn’t really a shock that she was so big, as Geoff and I both weighed 9 lbs. 1 oz. at birth. Boone weighed 7 lbs. 10 oz., but he was over three weeks early.
I won’t lie. The labor and delivery was singlehandedly the most difficult thing I have ever physically been through.
When I was pregnant with Boone, Geoff and I took a 10 week natural childbirth course (
The Bradley Method) in hopes of succeeding with a medication free birth experience. After all of that preparation, I didn’t experience even one labor pain in the end, as he was born via emergency C-section out of the blue. You can read that story
HERE if you like. When I became pregnant again, I knew I wanted to not only attempt a VBAC, but also to use the techniques I had learned in my pregnancy with Boone to complete labor and delivery drug-free. I got my wish on both counts with Crew’s birth, but to be honest, I feel like it was something I survived….not conquered. I always pictured it to be a relaxing and empowering experience – one that I could keep control over my body, breathing through one contraction at a time. The way that it all played out was the opposite of that vision. Geoff says that it was like something straight out of a movie.
Speaking of Geoff. What a wonderful husband I have in him. He was truly incredible through her birth, as he did everything he knew to support me. He really was a rock, as he remained patient and encouraging, praying over me and caring for me…even through the moments that I was hitting him and screaming at him. Yes, it certainly was out of a movie. :/ I am so grateful that God has given me this man to share my life with.
Here are a couple of pictures that were captured by Candice. You can view more images of Crew’s birth in Candice’s blog post
HERE. We can’t thank her enough for these photographs…we am so happy to have these moments documented.

We’ve been asked how we arrived at her name. During the first trimester of pregnancy we began talking names and were pretty set on the name “Crew” if we were to have a little boy. After finding out we were having a daughter, we tossed around a few other names, but liked “Crew” so much that we just stuck with it.
For her middle name, we knew that instead of choosing a name just because it sounded good, we wanted to name her after a woman that we know that had certain characteristics that we admired. There are no shortage of amazing women in our lives, so choosing this portion of her name was no easy task. Ultimately, we landed on Nancy…named after our friend
Nancy Ray. Some of the words/personality traits that describe Nancy and that we wouldn’t mind if Crew inherited are:
a gentle spirit, thoughtful, motivated, seeks Jesus above all else, caretaker, sweet, creative, balanced, warm, and friendly.

The last week since we have been home has actually been really hard. Typical of a first week with a newborn baby, I suppose. I have had a hard time recovering and a hard time getting in the groove of nursing this baby. On top of that I’ve been crazily emotional/hormonal. I’ve been crying at the drop of a hat over nothing, such as feeling actual despair over things like not being physically able to go with Boone to Target to pick out his big boy underwear. Or weeping when I see pictures of my still-pregnant friends, as I know that season of my life is over. Crazy, I tell you. Crazy.
I’ve been trying my best to take my own advice that I give new mom’s in my life….that this WILL get easier. I know it will. In the meantime, I’m going to try my best to not wish these precious times away and soak in every moment. I know they are fleeting and I know I can’t get them back once they are gone.
A couple of days ago as I uploaded these hospital images onto our computer, I came across this picture below and couldn’t help the tears from coming. Our family. Our family of four. How very blessed are we.
1) You’re a crazy great mama. If no other reason than that you’re SO honest and real (but for many many more reasons!). You’re incredible. 2) She’s beautiful beautiful beautiful. I love her rolls and hair! 3) You literally had me GASPING when I saw her name last week. I was sure (as you know) that I was having a girl, and we have literally 10 girls names we like. But we “only” have two boys names. One of them is Crew. I’ve never known ANYone named Crew! And you were going to use it for a boy, too! Cracks me up 😉 But I could not be a bigger fan!
Cheyenne, I so admire you for being well YOU! Your writing, your photography, your realness, your kindness, YOU make the world a better place. I adore the photo of your new family of 4. God Bless you all. Much love
Oh my heart goes out to you for those tears….how hard those post pregnancy hormones can be. I hope it all gets better soon and you feel like yourself again. I like to remember “This too shall pass”. Love these images!
What a beautiful post. Thank you for allowing us all to peek into your world. I admire you as a photographer and as a person. It does get easier and it is normal to have the ‘blues’ as you know. What an honour for your friend Nancy! You have a great little family and boy Geoff’s genes are strong. x
She is so beautiful 🙂 her name is simply perfect to! I admire your strength – I am hoping to one day experience natural childbirth so we must discuss this when the time comes (might be a few years though!) lol you are such a lovely family, enjoy these times!!
These are beautiful, and you are such a strong woman! Congrats on your new baby girl! 🙂
Love this post…Love and admire your family…of four.
these photos are absolutely lovely… so happy for you…
Cheyenne, y’all are such a beautiful family. I just love the names you picked!
she’s a beaut you guys! such a looker as a one day old! praying for lots of joy and peace and other good things from God in the coming days.
Love how share your successes and your insecurities so bravely. You’re so much more heroic than you know. Congrats on sweet Crew …we love you guys!
All our love always. Love you all and sweet Crew too. You are such an inspiration, as always. xoxo
This is beautiful! The pictures are stunning. And isn’t it crazy to look at the Family of 4 picture?!?! I remember the first 8ish weeks with baby #2 being really intesnse. But I promise you’ll get the swing of things! And then watching your 2 grow as siblings will be one of the best things about life. I’m so happy for you! And if you can take your own advice about soaking in these fleeting moments and remember that the days are long but the years are short you will be a happy camper 🙂 And hey, if you decide to go for 3 babes that transition is easier. lol!! Love to you all!!
Congratulations! You have such a beautiful family and, Cheyenne, you look amazing! So happy for you all. Welcome to the world little Crew!
Cheyenne- You are simply amazing. You have me in tears over this blog. I am terrified at being a mom and the entire birthing and postpartum experience. You are so real and honest, but you do it in a way that doesn’t frighten me. You give me hope and a sense of peace. You inspire me to inspire others. As for the Crew’s middle name. I was speaking to several of my friends about you and Crew and I couldn’t figure out where Nancy came from. I was thinking a family member. But it totally makes since why you named her Nancy. I personally do not know Nancy, but from following her blog, she is an amazing women. She inspires me. What a gift! May the Lord be with you during this time and bring peace to you. 🙂
Que Deus continue iluminando cada passo dessa família…
Grande abraço!!
What a beautiful family you have Cheyenne. I can only imagine how hard labor and delivery is and the way you described it and the emotions that come afterwards is exactly what I already had in my mind, it sounds so scary to me. I’m thinking of you a lot as you are taking care of your newborn daughter and Boone. Crew is really beautiful. All my love xoxo
I don’t know you at all but I just love you. Congratulations on your sweet baby girl. Pregnancy and childbirth and breastfeeding and hormones and mothering are just an insane amount of wear and tear on our bodies and emotions. Hang in there- minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day. You were created for this and can rely on His strength- He never grows weary.
Cheyenne, what a beautiful story and a beautiful family! Crew is a doll! You are one strong woman and I admire you for sharing your story… the pictures on the Lanning’s blog brought tears to my eyes. Very, very happy for you and Geoff. xoxo
She’s georgeous! We love the pictures! What a beautiful family!
Hi !! It’s Grandma wanting to remind you about my crying jag when I couldn.t button up my skinny jeans the day I got home from the hospital !! Your family of 4 is just too precious for words. You Are in my thoughts and prayers daily. Keep strong and remember how blessed we all are. Love always Grandma