Well, here I sit. Full term. Due in one week from today. Large and in charge. 🙂
Since I haven’t really blogged a whole lot about this pregnancy, I thought that tonight I would jot down a few things to reminisce about the past 39 weeks with my lowlights and highlights of being pregnant with Schultz baby #2.
+ Being sick for the first trimester and then some…bleh.
+ Shooting pains in my legs that make me shriek without restraint.
+ Heartburn. Oh, the heartburn. Dear God, please make it stop.
+ This child’s crazy, insane and constant movements. We are kind of hoping that she’ll be a chill child, but if her movements are any indication of what’s to come…watch out. She’ll be Boone x100.
+ Being yelled at – yes – yelled at, in Starbucks by a woman shaming me for drinking a latte while pregnant. And yes, I yelled back. It wasn’t my proudest moment.
+ Realizing that this will more than likely be my last time to ever be pregnant. I am trying to really cherish every day that I have left – despite how taxing the process has been on my body – physically and emotionally – it is such a special time in life that I really will miss.
+ My bump. It’s nice to not have to worry about “sucking it in”. 🙂
+ Finding out that this baby is a little girl. While I would have excited for Boone to have a little brother, I’ve always wanted to be a mother to a girl.
+ Boone talking about his baby sister (pronounced “sis-soo”). My favorite is when he points to the things in her nursery…”sis-soo bed!”, “sis-soo rock!”, “sis-soo chair!”. He is the cutest.
+ Indulging in cravings for chicken nachos from one of my favorite restaurants – Cantina 1511. Amazing. So amazing.
+ Having my mother come in from California to do my nesting for me. She has been here for a total of three days and has already worked on a ton of house projects…including organizing our disaster of a mud room, taking the three dogs to get their nails trimmed, and replacing the broken toilet seat with a new one. Not to mention she has been doing the majority of caring for Boone so I can rest and finish up the things I need to do before this baby comes out.
+ Having a husband who has been so incredibly supportive over me these past 39 weeks. He has been so very patient and loving. Letting me cry when I needed to cry. Rubbing my aching body when it has ached. Giving Boone a bath nightly when I got too big to bend over comfortably. Letting me sleep in and take naps when I was too exhausted to move. Calming my nerves and praying over me when I was convinced that something was wrong. The list goes on and on. I am so grateful for him and I wouldn’t want anyone else for my husband.
I am so happy that this child has stayed put thus far. I had Boone at 36 weeks and 5 days via an out-of-no-where emergency c-section (you can read his/my story
here), so saying that I feel blessed that she and I are both healthy and doing well is such an understatement.
In a perfect world, I will go into labor on my own in between now and the next two weeks. If things don’t happen naturally by that point, we’ll head straight in for a c-section again, which I would really like to avoid at all costs. Geoff and I just came from the “expectant parent tour” that our hospital offers – it actually made me really excited for what is to come and really hopeful that I’ll have the chance to have this baby on my own. Ultimately, we are resting in the truth that God is in charge and has everything under His control, but we would still welcome your prayers for a healthy and complication-free rest of pregnancy and delivery.
Until her arrival, we’re going to soak in every moment as a family of three. 🙂
Cheyenne- you are absolutely amazing and beautiful! It is amazing how women carry and birth children. I love your honesty 🙂 I love how Geoff is a caring husband. (Eric is learning about the “hormones”. Lord knows what he is in for when I am pregnant). Enjoy your last week 🙂
love your personal posts, Cheyenne! you are so beautiful + these frames are so sweet. will be thinking of you / praying over the next few weeks as another little person enters your family! 🙂
your love for boone totally shows both in your smile and in his! love this blog post- although i am nowhere close to even being married, much less being a mother… i can’t wait to love someone as much as you love your family. so excited for you, friend!
can not wait to meet this sweet girl. prayers for a perfect delivery and healthy mom and baby 🙂
Love. And Boone is so handsome!
You are an amazingly beautiful woman and wicked talented phoographer. I wish you nothing but a healthy and emergency free labor, delivery and recovery process. Many best wishes to you and your family as you welcome home this new lil bundle of joy!!
Thank you for sharing some of your personal life with us!
I am so excited for you guys and can’t wait to meet her! You look amazing and I hope these last few weeks (days?) go smoothly! xoxo
Tons of heartburn = full head of hair… did in my case anyway. I would do that horrible heartburn all over again for the hair on my little man!
you are a beautiful pregnant woman!
You are beautiful! Can’t wait to see this beautiful girl. Love you guys!
You are beautiful!!! I am wondering why that woman would shout at you? I had to cut back on chocolate…and did drink decaf. No one mentioned the amount of caffeine in coke though. Imagine feeling like you have to shout at a woman….let alone a pregnant woman. Glad you had the nerve to shout back. Can you change that part to the highlights not lowlights? Crew is gorgeous and it will be lovely to see her grow like we have been able to see Boone grow. (like having a cyber family 🙂 )
@robyn – she didn’t think I should be drinking caffeine. 🙂