“Clint was deployed most of last year and the start of this year and I looked at this picture (from our first look) EVERY single day while he was gone – a beautiful reminder of the joy of coming together!”
A couple weeks ago I did something that I’ve wanted to do in our business for a really long time. It doesn’t sound like much, but I’ve wanted to start a Facebook group exclusively for our past and present brides to be a space to have them all in one place to connect with each other, share wedding planning advice and hopefully, inspire healthy, strong marriages. It’s just getting started, but already, I’ve been thrilled with the outcome. The first post I made asked all 150 of them to share a short introduction of themselves, as well as to include an image from their wedding day. When Kelly posted her image with the words above, I was so touched. Those words were a picture of the very heart of our business.
When I send out final wedding images to our clients, it is my greatest hope that through the good times and the inevitable hard times that will come in their marriages, that they will be able to look back at their wedding photographs and remember the love and the joy that was there that day. And that they will be inspired to fight for each other…especially through those hard times. That they will know that marriage…their marriage…is worth fighting for.
Kelly’s words carry far more weight in communicating why we do what we do in this business than I believe I ever could communicate alone. So as we have been preparing to launch our new brand in just a short couple of weeks – a brand that I hope and pray will reflect our hearts and purpose for this work…above any “prettiness factor” it {hopefully! 🙂 } has – an idea was sparked in me through her.
Over the course of the next few weeks leading up to and reaching beyond our brand launch on Friday – October 7th, I’ll be sharing a collection of stories from a few of our past couples. Stories of hope, redemption, joy, love, overcoming hardship and restoration. Undoubtedly, these stories will serve to inspire others.
I want to say thank you. A heartfelt thank you to these couples for their vulnerability and willingness to participate in this project. Geoff and I truly love each of you and are so grateful to know you.
“This photograph from our first look was one I looked to each and every day during Clint’s deployment overseas. In some of the slowest moments of our time apart I found myself looking at this photo and smiling as I thought of the joy we experienced in that moment and the joy we’d feel in being reunited. But it did so much more than just make me smile through a challenging season. I look at this photo and feel the same butterflies I felt in that very moment there on the dock; the kind of butterflies you only get from looking into the eyes of the man God designed for you to share life with. I held onto those butterflies and that truth through our ten months apart, and rejoiced in them upon his return home.”
Kelly and Clint
Married July 28, 2012
Cheyenne Schultz
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fun in your inbox
What you are doing here is so beautiful, Cheyenne. It’s beautiful because it’s so purposeful. I love it and congratulations on what I know will be a successful relaunch.
Thank you for those words of encouragement, Julie. They are so appreciated. Love you.