It’s a……Boy or Girl?!

The Schultzes

Cheyenne Schultz

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  1. Rebekah Wadsworth says:

    That was so awesome!! Congrats you guys!

  2. ahhh I knew it! congrats congrats congrats! boone is going to be an awesome big bro!!

  3. Congrats! So happy for your sweet little family!

  4. Kristen says:

    AHH! I’m so excited for your family!!! Such happy news!

  5. TJ says:

    This is such a cute video announcement. Loved it! And congratulations! =)

  6. Christina says:

    CONGRATULATIONS!!! What a perfect lil addition to your family. So happy for you!! Love the video!

  7. Hannah Elise says:

    LOVED this video! congratulations! so excited for your family. πŸ™‚

  8. Erica Stawick says:

    YAY! So excited for you! And yet another amazing video that gave me goose bumps & made me tear up! Y’all are so good at those!! πŸ™‚ Congratulations on a fun new addition! πŸ™‚

  9. Christine Lockett says:

    Congratulations! Your video is amazing! Such a special memory for your family!

  10. Lindsay says:

    So so so happy!!! I am so excited for you! You are going to be super great parents with TWO awesome kids!!! LOVE the video, absolutely amazing, you are both so creative and talented!

  11. Ellie Be says:

    Congratulations! That is so precious! πŸ™‚

  12. Jackie P says:

    oh soooo sweet! Congrats!

  13. Bobbie Brown says:

    Oh I totally just got chills! Congrats to you all πŸ™‚

  14. Anonymous says:

    Congrats you guys!!!

  15. Janet Brey says:

    How stinkin’cute!!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE the video πŸ™‚ So excited for your precious family!

  16. Piper says:

    Absolutely adorable. So happy for you guys. Congrats!!

  17. Trinette Atri says:

    Congrats you guys!!! A sweet baby girl!!! We’re so excited for you! Great video – so sweet and Boone is adorbs!!! πŸ™‚

  18. neera says:

    congratulations!! so excited for you!!

  19. Julie DeVoe says:

    Congratulations Schultzes! Excited for you all. And those cute dogs. πŸ™‚

  20. Georgina Petrosky says:

    Congratulations! This is wonderful news. So happy for you guys and so excited that you get to welcome a sweet little girl into the world!

  21. mandi schisler says:

    congratulations! what an adorable way to announce the gender! bother and sister…what could be more perfect???

  22. Kristin Vining says:

    A sweet blessing! Congrats!!

  23. Alyse de J says:

    OMG! She is going to be beauuuutiful! Love you guys! xo

  24. Holly says:

    That was precious! Congratulations!

  25. Whitney Ott says:

    I’m crying with joy!!!!!!!!!!!!! So happy for you guys!

  26. Matt K says:

    Congratulations guys!! The video was super cute!!

  27. Congrats friends! We just could not be happier for you 3!!!! Girls are so fun!

  28. christy potter says:

    just perfect! congratulations!!! can’t wait to meet her

  29. Jessie Smith says:

    your videos are always my favorite πŸ™‚ congratulations on baby girl!! I’m sure you’re all so thrilled! prayers and blessings for an easy, healthy pregnancy πŸ™‚

  30. Cortenay Matters says:

    Congrats!!! So excited for you both!! Girls are so much fun! Xo

  31. Jenny J Cook says:

    I have goose bumps for you!! Hugs!! =)

  32. Paige phillips says:

    Congrats!! Video is sooo cute!

  33. A my Martin says:

    ahhhhhH!!!! I got goose bumps too!!! Big huge congrats… how perfect!

  34. Harper says:

    Hello from Twitterland! Someone shared this video, and we’re so glad! Congratulations!

  35. Lauren Wilsman says:

    This is the most beautiful video – such a special moment for your family! Huge congratulations!!

  36. Eden Ellis says:

    CONGRATULATIONS!!! This video is the most adorable thing, ever.

  37. Lindsey Thorne says:

    So so sweet! πŸ™‚ I’m just now seeing this, congrats guys and that video is too cute (so is Boone!) πŸ™‚


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