Meet Lindsay. Our 2012 winter intern. She has been with us since early December and goodness has she been a blessing.
Not once has showed any irritation to my running late to meet her at the studio. Not once has she given me a second glance for coming to work clearly looking like I hadn’t showered. And most important, not once has she judged me for my what seemed like daily trip to Starbucks for a venti sized latte.
Lindsay’s company has been good for my soul. And her help has been good for our business; good for my sanity. She is a brilliant writer, has a passion for life and has a giving heart. It has been such an honor to have her in my life in these past few months.
Please enjoy this fun interview with Lindsay – it is worth the read! 🙂
Tell us a little bit about you.
I’m an espresso addict, frequent flier, proud Starbucks gold member, & social butterfly. I love pretty things and clever words. On more than one occasion, I’ve set my kitchen on fire and blogged about it.
My occupation is….
Freelance writer and (former) graphic designer. I previously tried the corporate career girl gig working as a loan specialist with Wells Fargo for a couple of years. I hate math and I hate working 9-5, so freelance writing seemed like an appropriate career transition.
My website is….
Three of your favorite photographers?
I have a weakness for pet photography:
Crave Photography makes me swoon:
Shana Rae from Florabella:
(I mean, The Schultzes are a given, right?)
Canon or Nikon?
Nikon, although I don’t *hate* Canon 😉
Favorite lens?
Right now, my 35 1.8
One lens that I want is….
50 1.4
A website or blog you frequent often?
Oh, there are SO many to choose from! One of my daily go-to’s is Simple As That ( I love everything from the content, to the style, to the warm, welcoming simplicity of her writing and photos.
Educational background?
Tons. Like, in a bad way, not in a I went to med school kind of way. During my extraordinarily long college career, I attended 4 different schools in 2 different states and studied everything from molecular biology to exercise physiology to graphic design and journalism. Good thing I have all of those student loans and decided that I wanted to be a photographer.
What are your ambitions related to photography?
I just want to capture memories. I look back through my childhood and realize that there really aren’t *that* many photographs of me growing up. I mean, there are the obligatory birthday and holiday photos…but I’m talking about everyday, this is what life looks like, kind of photos. I want to beautifully capture normal “everyday” moments that people take for granted, specifically with their kids and beloved pets.
What are you most passionate about in life?
My Jesus and my family. And eating insanely delicious chocolate.
What does the perfect day for you look like?
Sleeping in, having brunch at home with the hubs while we sit outside in our pajamas. Going for a long drive, stumbling upon some sleepy little town and doing some exploring. Enjoying a dinner with all my family and spending a cozy evening snuggled up with a cup of tea and good conversation.
What is your favorite candy?
Chocolate. But it has to be the good stuff! (okay, well, I’ll settle for the cheap stuff if it’s all that’s around).
If you could trade lives with someone for one day, who would it be and why?
I think I would trade with my husband so that I could appreciate just how difficult I might be to put up with at times. I think it would make me a better wife.
What three material possessions/items you can’t live without?
My iPhone
My Mac Book
My wedding band
What talent would you like to have?
I would LOVE to be able to sing! I’m quite horrible. I’ll sing in the house when I’m home alone, but my cats always run up to me screaming their heads off, terrified that I’m dying or being attacked.
Where you’ll find me on a Friday night?
I’m pretty wild, so you’ll usually find me cuddled up with a husband and two cats, watching a movie on the couch. If we’re not doing that, then we’re enjoying some food at one of Charlotte’s amazing locally owned restaurants. We’re kind of foodies.
aww! This is awesome! She seems so sweet! Good for y’all! I’ll be up here someday! {I can feel it!}
**jealous** can i have a clone of her that also doesn’t mind entertaining a 2 year old at times?? what an amazing opportunity for her and a blessing for you!! 🙂
Awww, thanks so much for this amazing opportunity. You’re too sweet to share me on the blog 🙂