Code Orange Revival



It’s here.  The Code Orange Revival hosted by our church.  12 nights of knock-down dragout preaching…from some of the top preachers in the world.  Yes, in the WORLD.  
I was there last night for the opening night with’s lead pastor Craig Groeschel.  It was pretty incredible.  Sometimes it’s hard to focus completely on the sermon when I’m shooting….but one takeaway that really stood out to me from Pastor Craig was related to generosity.  He spoke about how instead of scheming how to GET more, we should be scheming of ways that we can GIVE more.  Love it.  Totally inspired me (and excited me!) in regard to our business and our general finances.  
There are still ELEVEN nights left – for more information check out the FAQ here.  Also, each night will be streamed live online at the Elevation Network with the pre-show beginning at 6:12pm each night.  
I’ll be shooting a couple more nights through the revival, but on the nights I can’t be there (motherhood calls πŸ™‚ ), I’m excited to tune from the comfort of my home.  You can bet I’ll be on my couch – pen and paper (and probably chocolate & latte) in hand – ready to soak up all the wisdom that I can and prepare my mind and heart to be the best wife, mom and business woman I can be in 2012.  

Cheyenne Schultz

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  1. Dianne Personett says:

    We went to the Christmas Eve service at the Providence campus. It was amazing. God moved, we were all SO touched during the service! Awesome awesome πŸ™‚

  2. Dianne Personett says:

    We went to the Code Orange Christmas Eve service at the Providence campus. It was amazing. God moved, we were all SO touched during the service! Awesome awesome πŸ™‚ Hopefully we can make it to one of the evenings of the revival!

  3. Will says:

    Awesome event. Got to catch part of a re-broadcast on the Elevation Network! Looking forward to hopefully being at a few of the live events towards the end!

  4. Maryann and Ed says:

    Cheyenne, I LOVE y’alls church. Seriously, I am expecting HUGE things from this revival! And Israel Houghton and TD Jakes??? DAAAANG! But you know what? I’d just as soon hear Furtick over anyone. Me and Ed LOVE your pastor. If we get spontaneous and come up for one of the services, I’ll most definiately call y’all. Loves.

  5. Our life philosophy has been generosity…and we’ve never been disappointed. Ever. So glad that you guys have a place that teaches you, builds into you and believes in you the way you do them.

  6. Matt says:

    I heard about the code orange revival from my pastor and have watched it the past two nights at our church office with church family. I had heard of the pastors thus far who have preached, but other than Franklin last night, I don’t think I have ever heard them preach and knew little about them. Wednesday night’s was especially a blessing to me and reminded me of a time in my past when God really spoke to me in things in my life. I really like the format and idea behind this and hope it become a yearly thing. Your church has a servant’s heart and sets a great example of generosity in giving it all away free. God bless.

  7. Michelle says:

    I LOVE Craig! We use to live in OK and attended his church. We miss him so much and have never found a church that felt the way Life Church made us feel! LOVE seeing his photo here!


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