pumpkin patch

The Schultzes


Just a tad late in this blog post – had meant to blog it in October shortly after our visit to the pumpkin patch.  We went to Hunter Farms in Weddington, NC.  
Boone loved sitting on these bales of hay.  🙂  I think it made him feel like a big boy.
pumpkinpatch11_0002.jpgpumpkinpatch11_0003.jpgpumpkinpatch11_0004.jpgFeeding the goats was an interesting experience.  It started off fun enough…..
pumpkinpatch11_0005.jpg…and then things took a turn for the worse….
pumpkinpatch11_0006.jpg….and we landed here…..sheer terror.
pumpkinpatch11_0007.jpgThe second try was better, but he still wasn’t thrilled.
pumpkinpatch11_0008.jpgSitting among the pumpkins was a much happier time.  

Cheyenne Schultz

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  1. Aw, we went to Hunter Farms as well 🙂 These are beautiful pictures! I know those goats are so greedy, my daughter was a bit scared of them too and one kept sneezing on her! ha

  2. I can’t believe how GROWN he’s getting…and we love his SHOES! These are great…:)

  3. Heather K says:

    super sweet! I Love Boone’s style and the last image of you guys is great!

  4. Melissa Tuck says:

    YES. Beautiful post! I love the goats’ expressions in the one where Boone is terrified. ha!

  5. Erin Henry says:

    You and Geoff each made me smile BEFORE you had Boone… now seeing the three of you is like an even bigger, happier smile 🙂 Love that last pic of your family 🙂 (Also love the fear of the goats, bless his little heart) 😉

  6. Alyse says:

    You know what I love about this kid? That he leaves his hats on. Rare find in a babe these days 🙂

  7. Melissa Morales says:

    He is SO stinkin’ adorable!!!

  8. Amy Martin says:

    I love this so much. SO much!!!

  9. Kim Spears says:

    K, I was laughing out loud scrolling through these! The shots with the goats are hilarious 🙂 That last shot is so perfect. One beautiful happy family 🙂

  10. Karen / Mom / Grandmom / Friend says:

    I am so blessed and glad for technology to keep me in touch with my family across the miles….Such a beautiful family. Loves hats just like his daddyo. Miss you so very much. Thank you for all the great shots.

  11. Marissa says:

    AWWWW this is so so so incredibly cute. I am actually awwing out loud, loudly.


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