july goals + an interview


Surprise, surprise….goals blogged mid-month.  I’m not sweatin’ it….one thing at a time….deep breathes.  πŸ™‚

Overall, June was a success as far as meeting my goals went.  
1.  Celebrate Geoff’s birthday and our anniversary.  Complete.  And it was awesome.  πŸ™‚
2.  Lose five pounds.  Complete….HUGE success….currently at my pre-baby weight and working on the rest.  Only six pounds to go until my ultimate goal weight has been reached.  
3.  Buy 2 lenses.  Complete.  100 2.8 and a second 35 1.4 – all ours.  
4.  Shoot promo pics for our band at church.  Complete.  
5.  Have our pictures taken.  Complete.  πŸ™‚

6.  Edit and email my butt off.  Complete.  And, complete.  Sigh.


For the month of July, I give you my goals:

1.  Lose five pounds.  Goal almost reached.  

2.  Get lawn care set up at our house.  We tried; and we failed.  We bought a lawnmower and a weedwhacker when we moved in.  Our yard is a disaster with no end in sight.  Major help is needed.

3.  Do a mid-year follow-up on my 2011 goals.  

4.  Baby proof this house.  Our Boone is all over the place and into everything.  

5.  Date night.  I need a date night.  

6.  And, per usual….edit and email my butt off.  


I’ll leave you with this….an interview of us that the amazing sisters at Sassyfras Studios posted on their blog for their “inspiration corner”.  Thanks, girls!!!  xoxo.

Go HERE if interested in reading the interview.  


Cheyenne Schultz

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  1. Jen says:

    Loved reading your interview. Left inspired. xo

  2. kc says:

    It was so fun to read this! Looking forward to November πŸ™‚

  3. Sara says:

    I love the interview. You two are very inspiring!!!

  4. Paige Jones says:

    enjoyed the interview!


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