November Goals


Hellllllllloooooo November.  Please, oh please, bring us some actual fall weather.  I gotta say, I’m pretty disappointed in fall so far.  It’s been hot and the leaves never really changed…they just died.  Sad.
So, here’s how we did in October for goals:  
1.  Write those thank you notes.  ALMOST done…so we’re just going to say done.  🙂
2.  Set up/organize the nursery.  Nope.  However, we DID get a glider finally.
3.  Uptown date night!  Ruth’s Chris, The Social Network, and The Omni…awesome.
4.  Get my poor, neglected dogs to the vet.  Hundreds of dollars later – done! 
5.  Albums – must and will complete/order Holly and DrewAllison and MattKatie and Tracy.  I’m getting there.    
6.  Begin the process of updating our website.  This one’s going to have to go on the back burner until all editing is done.
7.  Get/make Boone a Halloween costume.  Seems a little ridiculous seeing as he’s so little….but, what kind of mother would I be if I didn’t have a picture to show him of his FIRST Halloween costume on his actual first Halloween?  See below.  🙂
8.  Speaking of Halloween – I SO want to go to a pumpkin patch.  And maybe a corn maze.  Sad.  Didn’t happen.  🙁 
9.  Boone blogs.  Now that I’m caught up with my wedding work, it’s Boone time.  Stay tuned for his birth story, our family pics and his newborn pics.  Done, done and DONE! 

And, in November, we’re keeping it simple:
1.  Set up/organize the nursery.
2.  Order albums.
3.  Get fully caught up with editing.
4.  Lose 5 pounds.  This means going to Body by Buck and eating healthy…at least on the weekdays.  
How cute is little Boone?  I decided to keep his first Halloween costume simple – a monkey hat from Etsy worked out perfectly.  Though, he didn’t last very long for his pictures…check out exhibit A on the right.  🙂 


Cheyenne Schultz

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  1. Erin Henry says:

    Aw, Cheyenne!!! He’s adorable!!! The little hat is even better than all the elaborate costumes people do!

  2. Ginny says:

    He is so cute!

  3. Lisa says:

    Perfection 🙂

  4. Jessica Sack says:

    That is a seriously cute kid, you have there!!

  5. Trina says:

    He’s precious! I love that hat!!!!

  6. Robyn Regan says:

    awwww he looks so beautiful. How do you manage to fit work in inbetween cuddling him!!

  7. Monica Reid says:

    He is ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Mother (Sallee) says:

    I love the stairs!!

  9. Jennie Grimes says:

    Awwww, cutest little monkey!

  10. Melissa says:

    Cheyenne, he is GORGEOUS! Cutest Monkey EVER!

  11. Abbey says:

    I can’t believe you have a to-do list, let alone checked things off. That took me ages! Hope you and that cute little monkey of yours are great. If you want/need Boone to come play with us one Monday or Wednesday so you can catch up on your editing we would love to snuggle him and give you some uninterrupted work time. Love you!

  12. Jackie says:

    Too cute!! Love that sleepy shot! 🙂 Hope you all had a great Halloween & you got some peanut butter cups to dig into before eating well starts! xoxo, JP

  13. Katrina says:

    Cheyenne and Geoff–could he be ANY cuter?! WOW

  14. Anonymous says:


  15. Joy Hopkins says:


  16. Ginger says:

    I love the one on the stairs… too cute 🙂 I need to get a hat like that for landon, i love the little straps (Although with the exception of his one hat, any others I put on him dont last long). I still think he looks a lot like your sweet hubby 🙂 cutest monkey ever!

  17. Jennifer says:

    How sweet! When do I get to hold this little cute bear?


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