our sweet baby boone

The Schultzes


Guess what? Β 
Born three weeks early, Baby Boone Levi Schultz has arrived. Β It was a week ago tomorrow that I got the HIGHLY unexpected call from my midwife that I would be delivering that day. Β Ummmmm….WHAT?! Β 
More details on the birth story at a later point when things have calmed down around here and I’ve caught up with all of the editing/blogging I was supposed to have done before he got here. Β For now, just wanted to share the news that he is here…and he is perfect. Β And even though things are beyond crazy around our house (nothing….as in NOTHING was set up and ready for him), I’m loving it….who knew? Β πŸ™‚
***Update***thanks everyone for saying how great I looked for having him. Β But trust me, it wasn’t this pretty. Β These pics of me were taken three days after going through hell….after having taken a shower and having put some makeup on my face. Β :)))

Cheyenne Schultz

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  1. Jessica says:

    OMG…. he’s ADORABLE! Love his name…. so awesome! And Cheyenne…. I’ve NEVER seen anyone look so amazing after giving birth…. you look incredible! Congrats you two!!!

  2. Cheyenne & Geoff! He is so great… congrats! Beautiful baby boy… I know you are both so proud and you look great Cheyenne!

  3. He is beautiful! And so are YOU! Look at you, you look amazing, momma! πŸ˜€

  4. I am so excited you love motherhood! I love him to pieces already… and Jessica is right – you look smokin for just having had a baby… not that I am surprised! xoxoxo

  5. Elizabeth says:

    Congratulations! He is seriously beautiful and you look great!

  6. Ashley McCloy says:

    He’s so perfect! You two look like naturals πŸ™‚ I’m so happy for you and can’t wait to hear about all the updates!

  7. Raymond says:

    Congrats! He’s precious.
    And he’s gonna change your life.
    All for the better.

  8. Blake Miller says:

    Well, he’s just adorable, Cheyenne! Congrats to you and Geoff :).

  9. Kellie Kano says:

    He is perfect! Welcome to the amazing adventure of parenthood.. Sending hugs your way!

  10. Sarah says:

    Congratulations! He’s so adorable! And you look amazing after giving birth! πŸ™‚

  11. Trina says:

    He’s perfection!! You guys did GOOD!! And that name…how absolutely perfect. Congratulations to both of you. Praying for all of you and wishing all the happiness that this little bundle can bring.

  12. Cheyenne says:

    thanks everyone. but trust me – I did NOT look like that after having him. those pics of me were taken three days after having him and after taking a shower and after putting on makeup. but, thanks. πŸ™‚

  13. No one should look so pretty right after having a baby! πŸ˜‰ He’s gorgeous, congratulations to your family!

  14. Megan Reseigh says:

    Congrats!! He is sooo adorable!!! It all starts now for you and your family, and what a beautiful one it is!!!

  15. Cheyenne! He is gorgeous! I can’t believe your hair looks that good after labor… mine was a tattered mess! lol! I’m happy you’re all healthy! Don’t worry about blog updates… the work will get done! Enjoy your son and take LOTS of pictures because he’ll grow fast!!!

  16. He is beyond words perfect and beautiful!! It’s been so fun to follow your prego progress on Twitter while I’ve been pregnant too. Congrats! Can’t wait to see future appearances by Boone on the blog!

  17. Awesome, emphasis on the awe. Aren’t brand-new babies incredible?! I love the third picture…Boone surrounded by white…so ethereal. πŸ™‚ You and Geoff look blissed out, too. Hopefully you’re finding that all the fears you mentioned in your previous post have dissolved away now that he’s here. You look like a natural, despite the fact he surprised you by showing up early! Congratulations again.

  18. you’re my hero cheyenne! all that you went through…and the amazing outlook you have. you and geoff have been such an inspiration to Daniel and I through this…and I couldn’t be more proud. so glad we’re friends…and i can’t wait to see handsome boone again!

  19. Jackie says:

    I LOVE HIM! I can’t wait for him and Marcus to have a playdate!! *someday* …you DO look wonderful, I can see the happiness in your eyes, and it brings tears to mine! Isn’t it just the most amazing thing! xoxo

  20. Meredith Huntley says:

    He is so handsome! Congratulations! You look amazing even if it was 3 days after …

  21. Oh, what a sweetheart!!!! He is so precious it brings tears to my eyes … glad to hear you’re loving it! Congrats, you guys.

  22. Shanika says:

    Congratulations! i’m so happy for you guys. Welcome to the wonderful club of parenthood.

  23. Jenny J Cook says:

    Cheyenne & Geoff: He IS perfect! I’m so glad all is well and you are home now to enjoy your sweet little bundle of joy. Congratulations. : )

  24. Katrina Luchsinger says:

    Oh Cheyenne and Geoff he is just PRECIOUS! Congratulations! (Bring him to our e-session in a couple of months, I want to meet him!!) πŸ™‚ Enjoy being parents!

  25. Jessica Sack says:

    So proud of you guys for making such a perfect little guy!!! πŸ™‚

  26. Natalie says:

    What a beautiful baby!

  27. Amy Martin says:

    woohoo! He’s perfect… xoxo!

  28. Wonderful Cheyenne. So glad he’s safe and sound and you all are home. And hey, I was born 4 weeks early and turned out quite well if you ask Laura. Congrats you two!

  29. Jennie Grimes says:

    Beautiful baby, momma and dad. So very happy for you Chey. Love you and so very proud of you. xoxox

  30. Jessica Jelly says:

    He is adorable! Love the pictures! Congrats.

  31. Kelli says:

    Congrats to y’all – he’s so handsome!!!

  32. Kristen Hill says:

    Hi Schultzes’! Congratulations on your addition! He is such a gorgeous baby! Who ever did his newborn photos is very lucky!
    I am following both of you on twitter and all the updates were so exciting!
    God Bless your family of 3 πŸ™‚

  33. Sarah says:

    Congratulations! I completely understand about things being crazy! Our little fellow just arrived last Monday (being 8 days late!). We placed some photos on our blog as well. Now we are working on finishing all of our editing too! Enjoy!!

  34. Sue McFarland says:

    Oh he is just darling!!! Congratulations on your precious baby boy!!! You look great. Can’t wait to hear all about your baby’s birth. My daughter had our first grandchild 12 weeks ago and we are still reveling in the most wonderful joy ever!!! Good luck and he is too cute!

  35. Anonymous says:

    He’s sooo cute!!! So happy for your family πŸ™‚

  36. AHH!! He is so beautiful!! Congrats Cheyenne + Geoff! Sending all our love your way! πŸ™‚

  37. Kristin Edwards says:

    Congratulations! He is so incredibly cute.

  38. Cassie "Hirsbrunner" Faust says:

    Yayyyy!!!!! Congratulations! He is absolutely perfect in every way! So happy for your new little family!

  39. Kim Spears says:

    Oh Cheyenne and Geoff he is just perfect !! What a beautiful baby. Can’t wait to see more pics and here the birth story when things settle down a wee bit πŸ™‚

  40. lindsay nelson says:

    He is beautiful! So perfect. You guys are going to be wonderful parents!!!

  41. Leslie says:

    SO SO SO freaking cute!! He’s just adorable!! Congratulations to you both!!! :)))

  42. Jennifer Farris says:

    Congrats!! He is amazingly beautiful!! God Bless your new family!

  43. Holly says:

    He is beautiful, congrats!

  44. Brandy Smith says:

    Congrats to the both of you! He is beautiful!!

  45. Rachel Pippin says:

    I love that all your hospital pics are taken with your professional camera πŸ™‚ He is beautiful and so are you! Congrats Cheyenne & Geoff!!!

  46. shanny says:

    your baby is soo beatiful i pray that GOD will bless your familys lifes as your child gets older

  47. Reida says:

    Ok that is one cute kid! I’m so happy for you all and so glad that you and the baby are healthy and doing well. Oh and I don’t care if it’s 3 days out you look amazing!

  48. tish says:

    He is so handsome! What a beauitful family. Congrats to you all. πŸ™‚

  49. Bobbie Brown says:

    Oh my goodness… He is BEAUTIFUL! Congrats! Wow… 3 weeks early must have been quite a shock! But I am so glad you are past that part now and you are both healthy and healing πŸ™‚

  50. Elizabeth Whisennant says:

    He is just precious! I am glad that you are feeling better. Enjoy getting settled in over the next week or so.

  51. Erica says:

    Goosebumps. He is PRECIOUS! And I’m so glad everyone is happy & healthy. I’m guessing it only gets better πŸ™‚ PS- LOVE his name. Just awesome. xoxo

  52. Emilie says:

    Congrats!!!! He is adorable!!!!!

  53. Stephanie says:

    O.M.G. Usually brand-spankin’ newborns are so not cute, BUT YOURS IS ADORABLE!!! CONGRATS!!

  54. Lucy says:

    he is beautiful! congratulations u 2!!!

  55. congratulations! baby boone is adorable!! πŸ™‚

  56. Wow, what a gorgeous baby!! Congratulations you two!

  57. Sam says:

    Adorable! Congratulations! Can’t wait to hear all about the adventures that are sure to await.

  58. can’t say enough how happy we are for you guys. can’t wait to see you 3…or 6…again soon!

  59. Shannon McPherson says:

    What a handsome, precious baby boy he is! Iam proud to be related to you all! Great job Cheyenne and Geoff! Wecome to our family Boone!

  60. Jason Rodriquez says:

    Congratulations! God bless your child Boone! I am so happy for you and Geoff! So beautiful…what a gift! And Chey…you look absolutely STUNNING so quickly after giving birth…GOD BLESS!!!!! πŸ™‚

  61. Kim Smith says:

    Oh my goodness!!! He’s just precious Cheyenne! Looking at these pictures just made me tear up! So proud of both of you! Keep up the great, but hard work πŸ˜‰ Love you two!
    Kim & Drew

  62. tara mauldin says:

    my oh my! cheyenne & geoff, i knew you would have to make a pretty baby, but come ON! he’s GORGEOUS! and so perfect! congratulations to you both. what a sweetie…makes me wanna have another one πŸ™‚ oh…and today is my son’s first day at pre-k…it seems just like yesterday when tate was that little…enjoy every moment. and don’t work so much…it makes the time go by even faster!!! haha! xoxo

  63. cyn kain says:

    beautiful baby boy! congrats! you have an adorable family!

  64. Leah says:

    He is soo precious… Congrats to you guys! πŸ™‚

  65. Kathleen says:

    eeeeeek! He’s so beautiful guys! Congratulations—God is so good! So grateful to hear the news and know that you and Boone are OK—

  66. Karen / Mom says:

    I love you. I love you. I love you. Thank you Cheyenne for such a beautiful baby boy! He is so beautiful. I see a lot of mom in him! and yes Geoff I see you too. I cannot wait to meet him. I cannot wait to take him to Disneyland.
    It is so hard being far away and getting through life’s stuff right now but I am glad all is well and he is here!

  67. molly says:

    cheyenne! he’s perfect and you look wonderful! I hope you are loving every moment God is giving you with your new little family πŸ™‚
    love and hugs!

  68. Becky Pence says:

    Wow! Congrats to you 2! He is BEAUTIFUL! Geoff he looks like a mini-you! Cheyenne, you look awesome! Welcome to the wonderful world of parenthood! May you thoroughly enjoy the ride! A place where one day you will stop and say, “WOW, I never imagined my heart could LOVE THIS MUCH!” I’m sure you’ve already thought that, but it continues on…..growing and growing and groooooowing! Sending hugs and kisses to Baby Boone! Btw, LOOOOOVE the name you chose! =)

  69. Aunt Diana says:

    Very cute little guy. He’s a keeper. He looks very good for such a rough start.

  70. George/Dad says:

    What a MIRACLE!!!! God gives us. There are no words to describe how it feels to be a grandpa!I Can’t wait to see all THREE of you. Give Boone a big hug and kiss for me, and please tell Sallee how much we appreciate the support she has given you. Love always.

  71. Kerri says:

    What a wonderful family you all make. Boone is just perfect and I wish I could be closer to give him a squeeze and a kiss! Both of you too! He will be the love of your life I am so very proud of all you went through for him to arrive safely. Take care we love you all!

  72. Auntie Leila says:

    He is literaly jaw dropping beautiful…and as his great great aunt I know what I’m talking about!

  73. Corrie Secamiglio says:

    Congratulations Cheyenne & Geoff! You have a beautiful baby boy. Thank you for posting these pictures πŸ™‚


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