be grateful for

The Schultzes

Whoa, Nellie….things are crazy up around here! 
Instead of focusing on the things that are stressing me out (incredible amounts of editing and emailing to get caught up with, barking dogs in my house, the INSANE heat, and the fact that we haven’t made a smidge of progress on the nursery…just to name a few :))…), I’m going to take the cue from the above image and share some of the things that I am grateful for.  
Today I am grateful for:
1) Starbucks pumpkin bread.  Oh, yes sir.  Makes me feel just a little bit like fall leaves and cool wind are just around the corner.  
2) Beach vacation.  Yes, it’s coming.  Very soon.  And while I will be dragging this laptop with me to get a little work done, I fully intend on eating incredible amounts of cherries (and perhaps, chocolate cupcakes), catching up on the latest 2 hour episode of The Bachelorette (I’m dying to know what fast one Frank pulled on Ali!), and relaxing with my favorite trash magazines (People and Us Mag) with my toes in the sand.  
3) Geoff.  I could never say it enough…he’s a great man…and he’s a great husband.  Today he gets the World’s Best Husband award for A) his understanding, patience, and empathy he showed last night when I had a crying breakdown for no apparent reason.  B) his ongoing commitment to attending our TWELVE WEEK Thursday night childbirth class with me.  C) he’s cute….and I mean real cute.
Tomorrow, Chris and Kristin’s wedding will hit the blog.  Today, you get a collection of some new ring shots we got from their wedding.  Enjoy.  🙂


Cheyenne Schultz

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  1. i’m going to be fixated on blueberries again, now that i’ve seen the ring shot including them :). have a great time at the beach….i know i will!

  2. Cheyenne says:

    i’ve been fixated on chocolate cupcakes ever since YOU mentioned them!!! 🙂

  3. Corley says:

    LOVE! Can’t wait to see the rest 🙂

  4. Leslie says:

    1st- all of these are gorgeous! 2nd- the bachelorette episode was a really good one! 🙂 Have fun on vacation! 🙂

  5. Great shots! You gotta watch the bachelorette and see Frank and all his weakness. I was a fan of his until this show.

  6. I can’t pick a favorite – all SO good! See you soon… getting pumped about our shoot. 🙂

  7. amy free says:

    Oh girl, I looooove what you said about the Starbucks pumpkin bread because anything that can get me to focus on when this heat is going to end is a VERY good thing!!! Of course, love the sassy ring shots too (duh).

  8. Jen Maltba says:

    AHHH the first three with the words are my favorite!! SOOOO cute! Love love love it!

  9. Heather says:

    LOVE these ring shots….
    and I really hope the overwhelming & crying didn’t have anything to do with seeing a baby boy crying/screaming until he was red in the face earlier that day. He was all smiles when I got him home and put him in his swing….little stinker.
    Take it one thing at a time. One day at a time.


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